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Interstate Commission for Water Coordination of Central Asia

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By-law of the Basin Water Association "Amu Darya"

I. General

1.1. Basin water association "Amu Darya" here-in-after called BWO "Amu Darya" is an executive and interdepartmental control body of ICWC of Central Asia republics, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan and acts on the base of an intergovernmental agreement.

1.2. BWO "Amu Darya" is financed by interested ICWC-members.

1.3. BWO "Amu Darya" provides water resources within ICWC established limits in the Amu Darya river basin. It operates water-intakes, hydropowers, reservoirs of common use, interstate canals under strict observance to nature protection requirements and implementing measures on ecological situation improvement.

1.4. BWO "Amu Darya" is led in its activity by actual legislation of the states - ICWC-members, agreements, protocols, ICWC decisions and by given status.

1.5. BWO "Amu Darya" has own balance, juridical rights, stamps and bank accounts. BWO location: Urgench, Khorezm province, Republic of Uzbekistan.

1.6. BWO "Amu Darya" executes its functions within the Amu Darya river basin.

II. BWO "Amu Darya" main objectives

2.1. Guaranteed water supply timely provision to water consumers according to ICWC established water-intake limits from interstate sources and water releases to the Aral Sea and Amu Darya delta and also operative control of established limits, interstate reservoirs operation regime, water quality control.

2.2. Planning of water-intake by head water structures, common use reservoirs regime, preparation and concordance by ICWC of water resources limits for all water consumers in the basin.

2.3. Creation of automated system of the Amu Darya river water resources management, water account and measurements on the head water structures, their equipment by automatical and telemechanical means.

2.4. Executing jointly with Hydromet services water control measurements on border sites for balance account of the river flow.

2.5. Reconstruction and operation of hydropowers, head water structures, interstate canals, automated system of the Amu Darya water resources management, repair and maintenance of all objects under provisional administration of BWO.

2.6. Executing customer's functions on scientific-research works, design and construction of new objects and reconstruction of old ones.

2.7. Elaboration and execution together with water-related organizations of the states special measures on flood prevention, settlements and irrigated lands protection against flood and other emergency situations.

III. BWO "Amu Darya" rights and obligations

BWO "Amu Darya" according to charged functions executes:

3.1. Amu Darya basin water resources operative management, water-intake limits observance control and submits annually to the Minvodkhozs of the states - ICWC-members water resources balance.

Makes water-intake limits correction according to year humidity and agrees it with ICWC-members.

3.2. Jointly with water-consumers submits to ICWC proposals on water-intake limits for appropriate year (with division on growing and non-growing periods) for each state on the base of jointly adopted decision with regard to foreseen water situation and releases to the Aral Sea and Amu Darya delta.

3.3. Provides elaboration and concordance with all interested ICWC-members water reservoirs, hydropowers, water-intakes operational regime and submits it to the ICWC meeting for approval.

3.4. Water intake and supply account, water balance and responsibility for their reliability.

3.5. Hydrostructures maintenance perfection, updated technology and mechanization, modern techniques, water account and allocation automatical and telemechanical means, scientific experience introduction.

3.6. Controls financial activity of its divisions, revises their working activity, introduces new methods.

3.7. Selects its divisions' staff adjusting it with the appropriate ministries.

3.8. Provides safety rules observance.

3.9. Assists to other organizations in normatives, recommendations and regulations elaboration for water-related objects.

IV. BWO "Amu Darya" structure and leadership

4.1. There are following structural units within the framework of BWO "Amu Darya":

Department of interstate Amu Darya irrigation canals in Urgench, departments of hydropowers in Kurgan-Tube, Chardjou, Nukus and Takhiatash and other organizations working on self-financing principle.

4.2. Association is led by the head, which is appointed by ICWC decision.

4.3. BWO's head leads BWO's activity and is responsible for work results before ICWC and his staff.

4.4. BWO's head has right:

• make orders and proposals on item 4.1 changes within established order;

• approve plans on design, cost estimates, titles, research and constructing works within the established limits;

• administrate BWO property according to actual legislation;

• sign agreements, acts and accounts within his competence;

• make BWO's personnel arrangements adjusting them with the states' water organizations;

• act on behalf of BWO without any letter of attorney and introduce BWO on all questions;

• act in the court or arbitration committee on behalf of BWO within the actual legislation.

4.5. Deputy head and other personnel competence is determined by staff regulations, which are approved by BWO head.

V. BWO "Amu Darya" property and financial means

5.1. BWO property consists of financial means and other property transmitted by the states in provisional terms without right of transmission or trade-off.

5.2. Association submits within established order accounts on all kinds of its activity, provides their reliability in appropriate states, located in the Amu Darya basin.

VI. Status changes and BWO activity cessation

6.1. BWO status can be changed by ICWC decision.

6.2. BWO cessates its activity by ICWC decision.

Meeting Chairman

A. Ilamanov