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Interstate Commission for Water Coordination of Central Asia

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Meetings of ICWC

The 40th ICWC meeting

18-20 August 2004, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan


1. About the progress in carrying out the vegetation of 2004 and additional measures for its completing

2. Considering water intake limits and recommended schedule for the operation of reservoir cascades on the Amudarya and Syrdarya rivers in the non-vegetation period 2004-2005

3. About the preliminary results of the “IWRM Strategic Planning” Project

4. About the plan of Task Groups for preparing an Agreement on the Syrdarya river basin

5. Agenda and venue of the 41st ordinary ICWC meeting.

The 39th ICWC meeting

26-27 May 2004, Almaty, Kazakhstan


1. Refining water intake limits and operation mode of reservoirs cascade in the Amudarya and Syrdarya river basins for the vegetation period of 2004.

2. Progress of the preparation of Interstate Agreements in the light of implementing the commissions of the Heads of states under the ASBP-2.

3. Agenda and venue of the 40th ordinary ICWC meeting.

The 38th ICWC meeting

4-6 March 2004, Ashkhabad, Turkmenistan


1. On the course of water intake limits implementation in 2003/2004 non-vegetation period, and confirming the limits of water diversion from the Amudarya and Syrdarya rivers channel for the next vegetation period in 2004, and clearing the predicted operation mode of reservoir cascades (BWOs “Amudarya” and “Syrdarya” are responsible).

2. On the activity within the “Integrated Water Resources Management in Ferghana Valley (IWRM-Ferghana)” Project (SIC ICWC is responsible).

3. On the activity of ICWC executive bodies in 2000-2003 and measures for improving it (BWO “Amudarya”, BWO “Syrdarya”, SIC ICWC, CMC ICWC, ICWC TC are responsible).

4. On the course of the preparation for holding annual Scientific and Practical Conference in Almaty.

5. On the Agenda and venue of the regular 39th ICWC Meeting.

Additional issue

About water situation formed in the Syrdarya middle and downstream areas in autumn-winter period in 2003/2004, on the measures taken for stabilizing it.

The 37th ICWC meeting

22-24 December 2003, Karshi, Uzbekistan


1. On the course of implementing the limits of water intake in the vegetation period in 2003 and confirming the limits of water intake from Amudarya and Syrdarya river channels for the next hydrological year and non-vegetation period in 2003-2004.

2. On the program for providing financial and economic activities of ICWC and its executive bodies in 2004:

• Operational needs financing plan;

• Research activities plan of SIC ICWC and national scientific and project organizations;

• Work plan of CMC ICWC and national metrological organizations;

• Work plan of ICWC Training Centre

3. On the development of information provision in the ICWC system.

4. On the course of activities on ASBP-2.

5. On metrological state of operational hydrometry and information technologies in the Aral Sea basin and the measures for improving it.

6. On the Agenda and place for holding the 38th regular ICWC meeting.

Additional issue

On the expected difficult water situation in the Syrdarya middle- and downstream in winter and spring period in 2004 and creating ICWC Working Group to review and establish optimum regime of water release from Naryn-Syrdarya reservoir cascade (introduced by the ICWC member A.D. Ryabtsev).

The 36th ICWC meeting

6-7 May 2003, Almaty, Kazakhstan


1. Specification of reservoir cascade operation regime and water intake limits in Amudarya and Syrdarya basin during growing season 2003.

2. BVO “Syrdarya” activity improvement.

3. Fulfillment of heads of state decision dated October 6, 2002 (Dushanbe) "About main directions of concrete actions on ecological and social-economic situation im-provement in the Aral sea basin for 2003-2010 (ASBP-2)" in water-related aspect.

4. Results of ICWC members participation and water organizations representatives in the Third World Water Forum.

5. Realization of GEF project sub-component A-1 “Water resources and salt man-agement at regional and national level”.

6. Principles of water use under agricultural restructuring in each state.

7. Agenda and place of next 37th ICWC meeting.

The 35th ICWC meeting

7-8 February 2003, Khudjand, Tajikistan


1. Results of growing season 2002 and reservoir operation and water intake limits from Amudarya and Syrdarya for hydrological period of 2002-2003.

2. BVO “Amudarya” activity and measures of its improvement.

3. Measures on ICWC activity perfection.

4. Preparation of scientific-applied conference in Almaty on 5-7 May, 2003.

5. Place and agenda of 36th ICWC meeting.

6. Cost breakdown approval (with grounds) for ICWC executive bodies for 2003 (in accordance with 34th ICWC meeting decision, item 34, 2.2.

7. Measures on realization of the Heads of State decision dated 6.10.2002 “About main directions of Program of concrete actions on ecological and social situation im-provement in the Aral Sea basin”.

8. Perfection of limited water use principles under agriculture structuring reforms.

9. Project GEF “Water resources and salts management at regional and national level” sub-component A1 implementation.

The 34th ICWC meeting

27 August 2002, Cholpon-Ata, Kyrgyzstan


1. Amplification of reservoirs operation regime and limits in Amudarya and Syrdarya basin (responsible - BWO “Amudarya” and “Syrdarya”).

2. ICWC and its executive bodies' financial activity provision for 2003:

• operation cost provision;

• design work plan;

• ICWC and its bodies research activity plan for 2003-2005 (responsible - BWO “Amudarya” and “Syrdarya”);

• CMC ICWC and national metrological organizations work plan (responsible - BWO “Amudarya” and “Syrdarya”, SIC ICWC, CMC ICWC);

• ICWC Training Center work plan.

3. ICWC activity main directions program and mechanisms perfection (responsible - SIC ICWC)

4. ICWC delegation participation in XVII ICID Congress (July 21-28, 2002, Montreal, Canada) (responsible - SIC ICWC).

5. Measures on scientific-applied conference “Problems and solutions of water resources integrated use and protection in Central Asian region (responsible - SIC ICWC Kazakh branch).

6. GEF project component A-1 implementation (reporter - Technical Director GEF Buranov U.K.)

7. Agenda of ICWC 35th meeting.

The 33rd ICWC meeting

18-19 April 2002, Bukhara, Uzbekistan


1. About water resources use within non-growing period, water diversion limits and interstate reservoir cascade operation regime on growing season 2002 (responsible: BWO "Amudarya", BWO "Syrdarya").

2. About ICWC Jubilee Conference recommendations and decisions realization (responsible: SIC ICWC).

3. About scientific-research activity within ICWC program (responsible: SIC ICWC, CMC ICWC).

4. Agenda of 34th ICWC meeting.

Additional issues

5. About GEF project implementation "Strategy of water and salt management" Component A-l.

6. About Gurlen Branch canal turnover to BWO "Amudarya".

The 32nd ICWC meeting

20 February 2002, Almaty, Kazakhstan


1. Mr. Tekebay AItiyev election as ICWC Honorable member.

2. Mr. Aly Shady, Mr. Chandra Madramootoo and Mr. Walter Fust decoration with memorable pectoral symbol "Honorable ICWC member".

3. Making more precise water reservoir cascade operation regime and water diversion limits in Amudarya and Syrdarya basin on non-growing season of 2001-2002 (responsible: BWO "Syrdarya", BWO "Amudarya").

4. Donors and ICWC members joint meeting.

5. ICWC next meeting agenda and place.


The 31st ICWC meeting

23 November 2001, Kurgan-Tube, Tajikistan


1. Results of the growing season 2001and reservoir cascade operation regime and water intake limits from Amudarya and Syrdarya for hydrological year 2001-2002 (responsible: BWO "Amudarya", BWO "Syrdarya").

2. Program of ICWC and its executive bodies financial-economic activity for 2002:

• Plan of operation cost financing;

• Plan of design activity;

• Plan of scientific research;

(responsible: BWO "Amudarya", BWO "Syrdarya", SIC ICWC, CMC ICWC).

3. Measures on draught 2001 mitigation (responsible: BWO "Amudarya", BWO "Syrdarya", SIC ICWC, ICWC members).

4. Preparation of ICWC jubilee meeting and conference (Organizing Committee, N.Kipshakbayev).

5. Project "Order of ICWC executive bodies financing" (responsible: SIC ICWC).

6. (Additional question) "Program of action on the regional collaboration establishing in Central Asia".

7. Agenda and place of next 32nd ICWC meeting.
