ICWC Bulletin No. 64, April 2014

Protocol of the 63rd Regular Meeting of the Interstate Commission for Water Coordination (icwc) of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and the Republic of Uzbekistan

Concerning the Results of the Non-Growing Season 2013–2014 and Approval of the Water Withdrawal Limits and Reservoir Cascade Operation Modes for the Next Growing Season 2014 in the Amudarya and Syrdarya River Basins

Analysis of water-management situation in the Syrdarya and Amudarya river basins over the growing season 2013

2nd Stakeholders Consultation Meeting Towards the 7th World Water Forum

Uzbekistan: National Consultations on Water Resources are on the United Nations Post-2015 Development Agenda

Second Working Seminar “River Basin Commissions and Other Joint Bodies for Transboundary Water Cooperation: Technical Aspects”

Joint Workshop on Integrated Water Resources Management in Central Asia


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