ICWC Bulletin No. 59, September 2012

Minutes of the regular 59th meeting of the interstate commission for water coordination (ICWC) of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Republic of Uzbekistan

Results of the non-vegetation period 2011-2012 and measures taken to route flood water, and the Amudarya and Syrdarya rivers limits and regime of fixed for the vegetation period 2012

Meeting of the World Water Council Board of Governors

Consultative Workshop on ADB RETA 6486 “Improvement of Water Resources Management in Central Asia” and Asian Irrigation Forum

Summer Camp for Central Asian Students in the Center for International Development and Environmental Research at the University of Giessen in Germany

The Fifth International Conference BALWOIS: Water, Climate, and Environment

Land Use Mapping and Methods of the Assessment of Land Resource Degradation

7th Asian Regional Conference and Irrigation Australia Conference 2012

10th Anniversary International Forum “Water: Ecology, and Technology”

Meeting of the Working Groups of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Convention

In-depth Analysis of Integrated Water Resources Management in Central Asia

Final Regional Workshop within the Joint UNESCO-IHE and SIC ICWC Central Asia Project “Capacity Building in the Integrated Water Management and Planning in Central Asia”


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