ICWC Bulletin No. 47, March 2008

Protocol of the 48th meeting of Interstate Commission for Water Coordination (ICWC) of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan

On growing season 2007 and approval of water withdrawal limits for inter-growing season in the Amudarya and the Syrdarya rivers basins

Explanatory note for the water situation analysis on the Amudarya river and the Syrdarya rivers during 2007 growing season

On the results and perspectives for works completion on ADB RETA 6163 project

On the development of work principles on “Regional Infobase of Water Resources Sector of Central Asia” (CAREWIB) project in the interests of national information systems

The first Asian-Pacific Water Summit

International Exhibition “Watech—2007”

Regional consulting meeting on knowledge and practical experience increase

Meeting of national and regional work groups on ADB RETA 6163 project

Training workshop on creation of the national information system in the Republic of Tajikistan in the framework of CAREWIB project

Training workshop on creation of the national information system in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the framework of CAREWIB project

Work meeting in the framework of ADB RETA 6163 project: “Improvement of shared water resources management in Central Asia”. Agreement on water and power resources use of the Syrdarya river basin

Work meeting of subgroup #3 on “development and coordination of detailed methodical recommendations on the shared basin costs accounting, data collection and actual damages assessment from the Amudarya river and the Syrdarya river water resources use regimes”

Consideration of recommendations on of hydromodule zoning boundaries correction and irrigation norms clarification

Miscellaneous in brief


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