ICWC Bulletin No. 43, July 2006

Minutes of 44th meeting of the Interstate Commission for Water Coordination (ICWC) represented by the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan

Protocolar decision of the 44th meeting of the Interstate Commission for Water Coordination (ICWC) represented by the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan

Regarding implementation progress of water withdrawal limits during the non-growing season 2005-2006 and approval of water withdraw limits for the growing season 2006

XIX ICID Congress

Fourth World Water Forum «Local Actions for a Global Challenge»

Ministerial Declaration

Session «IWRM as a Basis of Socio-Economic Development in Central Asia»

Decision of «IWRM as a Basis of socio-Economic Development in Central Asia» session

A special session of EC IFAS «Problems of the Aral Sea Basin and Ways for Their Resolving»

The final document of the Special Session: «Problems of the Aral Sea Basin and Ways for Resolving Them»

International Congress «EQUATECH» VII 2006 «Water, Ecology and Technology»

Day of Water Sector Workers in Ukraine

The meeting of ADB Mission on evaluation of the National Support Program

Opening of Training Centre under Kazakh Branch of SIC ICWC

Improvement of Shared water Resources Management in Central Asia

The principal organizational, legal and financial and economic measures for sustainable WUA functioning. Water use for WUA

Improvement of water resources

Management at WUA level

Improvement of Shared Water Resources Management in Central Asia

RiverTwin Minutes of the 5th Meeting of the Management Board

News briefs


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