ICWC Bulletin No. 41, September 2005

Minutes of 42th meeting of the Interstate Commission for Water Coordination (ICWC) represented by the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan

Protocolar decision of the 42nd ICWC meeting

Status Report on implementation of water limits in the non-growing season 2004-2005, and adoption of water withdrawal limits for the Amudarya and Syrdarya in coming growing season 2005 and approval of forecast operation mode of reservoir cascade

Development of hydrometric instrument production to the benefit of ICWC

Information on CAREWIB Project activity

4th World Water Forum (Mexico City, 16-22th March, 2006)

The Program of preparation to the Fourth World Water Forum

Development of mass media network on water

Some results and conclusions from Canadian IWRM experience

Integrated water resources management for wetland rehabilitation in the Aral Sea basin (the Northern Part)

Work meeting on «IWRM-Fergana» Project

Regional water resources and peacekeeping

Improvement of transboundary water resources management mechanism in Central Asia

Introductory Meeting on «IWRM-Fergana» project (phase III)

Methodology for making up water use plan. Transference from decade water distribution to daily one between water users

ICID WatSave Awards 2005


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