ICWC Bulletin No. 40, April 2005

Joint Statement by the Heads of the Central Asian Cooperation Organization Member States

Meeting of the Board of the International Fund for the Aral Sea Saving (IFAS)

ICWC Protocol Decision on Awarding A.A. Djalalov title “ICWC Honorary Member”

ICWC Protocol Decision on Making a Request to the IFAS Executive Committee

Brief information of BWO “Amudarya” on the results for 5 months during the non-vegetation period 2004/2005 in the Amudarya river basin by 1 March 2005

Report on financial-economic activities of BWO “Amudarya” in 2004

Report on financial-economic activities of BWO “Syrdarya” in 2004

Basic results of the activities of the SIC ICWC in 2004

Information on the progress in implementation of international projects won under grants by specialists of water management organizations in Central Asia in association with foreign partners

Preparation of a draft agreement on the Syrdarya river basin

Beijing Declaration on Hydropower and Sustainable Development

Deepening agrarian reforms in Uzbekistan and challenges to improve the legal framework for these processes

Resolution of the international scientific conference “Deepening of Water Sector Reforms in Uzbekistan and Challenges to Improve Respective Legal Frameworks”

“Integrated Water Resources Management In Fergana Valley” Project Steering Committee Meeting

Training Course on Water Resources for Secondary Schools in Uzbekistan

International seminar “Legal Frameworks for Cooperation in Transboundary Water Resources Use and Protection”

Concluding Regional Seminar on Strategic Planning and Management of Natural Resources

Seminar under the “Fergana Valley Canal Automation” Project

Promotion of Extension Services for Farmers in three Central Asian Countries

Addressing water scarcity and drought in Central Asia due to climate change


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