38th Meeting of Interstate Water Coordination Commission
Protocol decision on first additional question on agenda of extraodinary ICWC meeting
International Fund for Aral Sea Saving meeting
Regular IFAS Board Meeting in Dushanbe on March 2004
Second Donors’ Meeting on Water Issues
Week of Asian Development Bank
Annual meeting of Swiss-ReSource “Sustainable Watershed Management” Program’s Council of Patrons
International Conference «Strategy of Irrigated Farming Sustainable Development with Feasible Investments in Drainage: Aral Sea Basin»
Regular meeting of GWP TEC of Central Asia and Caucasus
ICWC Training Center Workshop «Irrigated Farming Perfection»
Integrated Water Resources Management
Integrated Water Resources Management in Transboundary Basins: Interstate and Inter-Sector Approach
Working Seminar within the Project “Strategic Planning and Management”
Kick-off Workshop and Steering Committee Meeting «Central-Asian Regional Information Base of Water Sector (CAREWIB)»
Canals Automation in Ferghana Valley
About ‘IWRM-Ferghana’ Project progress
Prospects and potential for implementing IWRM principles in the Amudarya river basin
Coordination of preparation activities on strategic planning of IWRM implementation in Central Asia
22 March – International Water Day
5th Regional Forum on Nature Conservation and Efficient Nature Management
A new organization has appeared
New technologies for producing fertilizers through organic raw material bioconversion in agroindustrial enterprises
Information on international conferences and courses