Joint Statement of Heads of State of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan
IFAS Board meeting
36-th Meeting of Interstate Water Coordination Commission (ICWC) of Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Rеpublic, Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and republic of Uzbekistan
About participation of ICWC Members and water-related organizations’ representatives of Central Asia in Third World Water Forum
Water use principles under agricultural enterprises restructuring
Water: action plan of «Big Eight»
Appeal of international organizations to leaders of “Big Eight” concerning funds allocation to support cooperation in transboundary water management for development, security and peace
International conference on Ob-Irtish Basin issues
About CIRMAN-Aral project implementation
Minutes ICWC Training Centre, Mcgill University and Mount Royal College workshop on “Drainage and Irrigated Agriculture Problems in Arid Zones
Participants express their gratitude to CIDA, USAID-Start/AED, Mcgill University, and ICWC Training Centre staff, all lecturers and moderators, SIC ICWC, as well as to BWO “Syrdarya” who ensured proper performance of the workshop, and advance their opinion that further training of this kind should be conducted
Private sector participation in water supply organization
IPTRID– new approach
The problem of purifying the Nura River from mercury – prospective solution
Central Asia
International water resources association news (IWRA)
Invitation to cooperate
International workshop announcement