Information about the World Bank Vice President Mr. Yohaness Lynn’s visit to the International Fund for the Aral Sea Saving Executive Committee (EC IFAS)
Proceeding № 20 of The Interstate Coordination Water Commission, s meeting (ICWC) of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Republic of Uzbekistan
About the growing period irrigation of 1998 and additional measures on its successful completion (BWO Amudarya)
About the growing period 1998 irrigation and additional measures on its successful completion (BWO Syrdarya)
About water reservoirs’ Naryn-Syrdarya Cascade operation regime on the non-growing period of 1998-1999
The 49th meeting EC ICID and 10 Afro-Asian Conference in Indonesia in July 20-25, 1998
Proceeding of the fifth meeting of Special Working Group on Aral Sea Basin (SWG-Aral)
Proceeding of the of National Hydromet Services Chiefs (NHMS) and National Working Groups (NWG) Heads on realization of GEF Project Component d «Transboundary Water Resources Monitoring»
Proceeding of the working meeting on WARMIS Information System development program