ICWC Bulletin No. 17, August 1998

Tashkent Declaration on the un Special Program for Central Asian Economies


Proceeding # 19 of the Interstate Coordination Water Commission’s (ICWC) meeting of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan

The results of the non-growing period of 1997-1998 and perfectioning of the water reservoires’ cascade operation regime and the water intake limits in the Amudarya river basin for the growing period of 1998

The results of the non-growing period of 1997-1998 and perfectioning of the water reservoirs’ cascade operation regime and the water intake limits in Amudarya and Syrdarya river basins for the growing period of 1998

State of the works on the Aral Sea Basin’s water resources use and protection information system’s development on April 1998

The main Goals and Aspects of Aral Sea Basin's Water Resources Rational Use Strategy

Proceeding of the meeting on WARMIS Information System development

Proceeding of seminar-meeting of National Hydromet Services (NHMS) Heads and Central Asian States Water Organizations Deputies Heads on the GEF Project "Transboundary Water Resources Monitoring" Component implementation

International Conference "Water - an Approaching Crisis: how to survive in XXI Century?"

Strategy of irrigation and drainage development in the Former Socialist World Countries (FSC)

The Water Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan


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