ICWC Bulletin No. 12, April 1997

Agenda of Heads of Central Asian States meeting on the Aral Sea Basin Problems (28- February 1997, Almaty)

Almaty declaration

Decision of Heads of the Central Asian States on the IFAS Structure Reorganization

Decision of Heads of the Central Asian States on the IFAS Activity

Decision of Heads of the Central Asian States on the IFAS President Re-Election

Decision of Heads of the Central Asian States on the IFAS Funds formation

Decision of Heads of the Central Asian States on the World Bank Vice-President Iohannes Flinn's Report about the Aral Sea Program Implementation

Information about IFAS activity

Uzbekistan delegation complements to the information about IFAS activity

Minute of 15 Interstate Coordination Water Commission (ICWC) of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrghiz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan meeting

About ICWC activity since April till December 1996

Reference about regional projects' financing allocation within the "Program of Concrete Actions" on 01.01.1997, mln. dollars USA

About Naryn-Syrdarya Reservoirs Cascade operational regime forecast for the period by 2000

Program of water quality improvement in the Aral Sea Basin

Uzbekistan - ICID member

Low pressure tubes fabrication methods

IPTRID workshop minute of 10-12 March 1997 in Moscow


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