ICWC Bulletin No. 11, November 1996

Agenda of Interstate Council Meeting of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrghiz Republic and the Republic of Uzbekistan

Decision about Action Program of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrghiz Republic and the Republic of Uzbekistan on the Creation of United Economic Space on 1996-1998

Protocol 14 of ICWC meeting of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrghiz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan

Report about ICWC delegation participation at ICID XVI congress in Cairo 14-26 September 1996

Minister for Water Management and Reclamation of Tajikistan N.A Ashurov presentation on the ICID XVI International Congress opening

Information about foreign donors support to the Aral Sea Basin Program and its fulfillment (October 1, 1996)

About project implementation «Aral Sea, Uzbekistan: Pure Water, Sanitation and Health»

On course of Program 6 realization «Integrated Land and Water Resources Management in the Aral Sea Basin Rivers Watersheds»

On the course of Aral Sea Program 3 fulfillment

Consideration and confirmation of water intakes limits, operational regimes of Amudarya river reservoirs cascades and water supply to the Aralside and Aral Sea

The water-related economy activity and Syrdarya water resources use in 1995-1996 hydrological year

Detachment of loans to Kazakhstan on irrigation and drainage by the World Bank

Memorandum of mutual understanding between Australian National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage and Scientific-Information Centre of Interstate Coordination Water Commission

Asian Development and Reconstruction Bank (ADB) announced tender on project «Kazakhstan: Water and Land Resources Management Improvement»


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